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Awesome Autism Blogs

Awesome Autism Blogs

31st May 2022

Autism Acceptance – Au-some Blogs

April is Autism Acceptance month; April 2nd is the official Autism Awareness Day. One of my favorite Autism bloggers (Autism with a side of fries) said this: “Autism isn’t just a month of awareness. It never takes a weekend off. It is 24/7. It’s our life.”

This is the truth for so many families living with a disease or disorder. I think it’s important to remember, and be sensitive to that during these Awareness months or days.

The last few years, StickyJ has been partnering with Autism Speaks to raise awareness and support for Autism. When the partnership started we were permitted to design some Autism Alert jewelry using the Autism Speaks puzzle piece logo and we would donate a portion of our sales to the organization. This year is no different, but we are “up-ing” our game. We are increasing the donation from 15% to 50% of our proceeds from our Autism Alert pieces.

Just as no two people are alike, no two people have the same Autism behaviors. There are only similar behavioral and cognitive indicators that help professionals diagnose the disorder.

That being said – if you have a child or loved one with Autism, you are NOT alone. Someone else knows exactly what you are going through.

Thanks to the internet, you can be in touch with these people with the click of a mouse or tap or a screen.

I now give you some of my favorite Autism blogs you should follow!

Autism with a Side of Fries

Autism With A Side of Fries Blog

“Kiddo’s Mom” as she calls herself, specializes in coffee, wine, and sarcasm…and of course Autism. Her son is on the spectrum and she shares the details, victories, and struggles in a snarky, truthful, hilarious way. Autism with a side of fries plays on the idea that no one would order their serving of Autism; but you learn to live, laugh, and love!

Autism Daddy

Autism Daddy Blog

This blog is written by a 44-year-old dad who is trying to find joy in a life with his only child – a 10-year-old son whose receptive & expressive language are at an 18 month old level. His wife doesn’t like to rant or express herself socially, but he needed a way to connect with others. Autism Daddy is one of the first blogs written by a dad. The Godfather of father Autism blogs….the blogfather? He wanted to make it clear that his blog and his Facebook are free from the typical debates that surround the Autism community: which organizations are evil, do vaccines cause Autism, which therapist is the sole right answer. But he stresses that he is not an expert – just a dad loving his son and wife.

A Diary of A Mom

Diary of A Mom Blog

Jess is a mom of 2 girls, one who has Autism. As you probably know, Autism is more common in boys. It is interesting to see the struggles and joys of a daughter on the spectrum. A diary of a mom reveals more things on her Facebook page (keeping her families names disguised of course). One of my favorites parts of Jess’ blog is her “brag page”. This is a place for her followers to share their joys and victories…without having to write a blog on it.

Autism Hippie

Autism Hippie Blog

Autism Hippie is a blog and store by a mom who’s older son has Autsim. In regards to helping with Autism she is a resource that’s more than a shoulder to cry or laugh on. She is trained/certified in several therapeutic teaching strategies, including Verbal Behavior, Floortime, RDI, Lindamood Bell, and Montessori teaching methods. “It is not surprising to learn that many parents suffer from depression, anxiety attacks, and even posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).” Autism Hippie has used her knowledge to assemble a line on essential oils, organic living products, and Autism gear for parents, friends, and those on the spectrum.

Lost and Tired

Lost and Tired Blog

Lost and Tired is written by an amazing man and a strong advocate in the Autism community. This dad doesn’t just talk the big talk, he has created an awesome GPS tracking bracelet to help you keep track of your loved one on the spectrum in case of emergency. Rob, the writer of Lost and Tired, is a single father to 3 amazing beautiful special needs boys. All 3 of his boys are on the Autism Spectrum and have other serious health issues. Gavin is 15, Elliott is 8 and Emmett John is 6. Don’t forget to find him on Facebook too.


Stimeyland Blog

Stimey is mother, wife, and avid runner….she is also on the spectrum. She lives with Aspergers, and her 3 kids have covered other areas on the spectrum with Autism, ADHD, and SPD (sensory processing disorder). It’s interesting to get perspective on parenting from someone who has Aspergers. Her work and writing has been published in many different anthologies and books. Her main focus though is her blog Stimeyland.

Autism & Oughtisms

Autism and Oughtisms Blog

This is a blog you should read just because the name is so clever! This mommy blogger has two sons both of whom are on the spectrum. Her eldest son has classic low functioning Autism, her younger son has a higher functioning Autism. Autism & Oughtisms provides another viewpoint from a loving mom going through life with sons on the spectrum.

Confessions of an Aspergers Mom

Confessions of An Aspergers Mom Blog

A real diamond in the rough blog. This mom has fighting through life with a son with Aspergers, not for just a few years as most new bloggers. Her son is a high school graduate trying to figure out, what now? It’s a question on many of the minds of parents of special needs kids. What happens later? It’s a question buried very very deep because so much thought and energy is focused on today. But if you have wondered what’s next? What’s coming? What does adult hood look like? Maybe you can find some answers and some tough love truth in the Confessions of an Aspergers Mom.

Scary Mommy Blog

Non Autism related but still needed, is proof that even your deepest, darkest, scariest mommy thoughts are shared by someone else. Us women need to look at other women as our friends, sisters, and partners. Not competition. Not the enemy. So are you a scary mommy?

The most important resource your child or adult loved one with Autism can have is their Medical Alert Jewelry. In case of emergency they need to be protected to make their way back to your arms. Shop all of our Autism Alert Jewelry with proceeds going to Autism Speaks.