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February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month

2nd Jun 2022

As many of you may know, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men, even though it is preventable.

engraved heart month jewelry

Like me, many of you probably know someone who has had either stents or a pacemaker put in or even bypass surgery. February is American Heart Month. My father had quadruple bypass surgery a year and a half ago at age 63 and a female friend had a pacemaker put in a year ago at age 31. I share this because heart disease does not discriminate based on age or gender. Now there are some life choices that will definitely increase your chances of heart disease including not exercising regularly, poor diet, overweight, drinking, and smoking. However, in both cases above it was genetics, not life choices. We at Sticky Jewelry understand the importance of building awareness for heart disease and helping people living with heart disease do so responsibly by wearing a Medical ID which can come as a medical bracelet, medical dog pendant, medical watch and more. Sticky Jewelry has a large collection of quality medical jewelry for men, women, and children. Wearing a medical ID will help alert any medical professionals in the event of an emergency and know how to properly treat you. And if you get yours from, you can be sure it is not only practical but now fashionable too. We have pulled together some of the top selling items that have hearts on them that can be worn either my the individual with heart disease or by someone honoring a person they know with heart disease.