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Thirteen Tips for Women Living with High Anxiety!

Thirteen Tips for Women Living with High Anxiety!

18th Apr 2022

thirteen tips for women living with anxiety

Living with anxiety is no treat. It’s a constant battle and for many who suffer from this condition, it hinders your life in a variety of ways. Anxiety causes you to not speak up when you likely should. It causes you to take the long way around, just because you’re freaking out that the short way could lead to disaster and it causes you to not take chances that could make or break the progression of your career or schooling. To be blunt, living with anxiety sucks! Below is a list of thirteen tips for women with high anxiety to help make every day just a little bit easier.

1. Focus On One Task at a Time – If you’re anxious, one the best things to do to help ease those feelings is to engage in tasks one simple step at a time. This will help to alleviate extra pressure you’re unconsciously putting on yourself to accomplish several things at once and it will allow you to take care of the task fully and correctly so as not to lead to more anxiety.

2. Don’t Overload on Caffeine – Stimulants such as coffee or tea can increase your anxiety. Try sticking to just one or two cups a day, any more than that has been said to make anxiety worse.

gorgeous cup of coffee

3. Try Some Natural Alternatives – Natural herbal remedies like Valerian Root or Kava are said by many to help ease anxiety in a variety of situations. It’s a good idea to ingest the herbal remedies before an anxiety attack occurs because once it’s started, it’s hard to pull oneself out of a full-on attack.

4. Seek Therapy – In any circumstance, whether it be extreme or a simple case of occasional anxiety, it’s worth talking to a therapist to work on why you have anxiety and how you can better manage it. Trained therapists have been helping people handle their high anxiety for years now. Sometimes, it just takes talking it out with someone to help get you to a better place mentally. Other times, a therapist can help you plan specific exercises and techniques to apply to your daily living situation to decrease your anxiety or to help you cope with it in a safer, easier way.

5. Exercise – The beauty of exercise lies within the endorphins released inside of you. Endorphins help you to feel well and they’re great chemicals for helping to manage anxiety. You should aim to exercise every day if you have anxiety. It doesn’t have to be high-intensity interval training, but brisk walking can be highly beneficial.

6. Meditate – More and more research is pointing to the positive effects of meditation for persons with anxiety, high levels of stress, PTSD and more. Meditation doesn’t need to be on the top of a mountain wearing a red robe, surrounded by nothing but open air. On the contrary, more and more people are finding ways to meditate while at work or even in the morning at home before they start their days. All you need is a quiet space and the ability to sit still with your eyes closed for a few minutes. The longer you can meditate, the more beneficial for anxiety it appears to be. Look up meditation classes in your area or find videos online to follow along with at home to begin your own personal meditation practice daily.

woman meditating on a cliff

7. Listen to Calming Music – When all else fails, let music guide you…It’s true, music can have a magical effect that we don’t quite understand the inner workings of yet. It’s almost magical. If you search online for calming, anxiety-free, stress-relieving music, you’re sure to find playlists filled with music perfectly suited to help push your anxiety away. Sounds of soothing streams, rain on tin roofs, and birds chirping at first sunrise all help to give you the calm and peace you need.

8. Ensure Your Safety- Oftentimes, the anxiety we feel is due to a lack of safety we feel. If you suffer from any additional health conditions and are constantly worried that you’re going to be found unconscious – you should look into purchasing a medical alert bracelet that can help first responders to treat you correctly. If you need medicine, you’ve got to find a way to get it. If you walk or ride a bike at night, be sure to get the correct safety clothing and carry pepper spray or a taser. If you live in an unsafe neighborhood, get an alarm for your home and your vehicle. All these safety precautions add up to provide you with the peace of mind you require to give your anxious thoughts a rest.

9. Talk to Your Doctor – Be sure to see your doctor regularly to make sure you’re in good working health. If you have any ailments such as high blood pressure, lymphedema, any mental conditions, autism and more, you may be having anxiety attacks more frequently because your other conditions are being untreated. Talk to your doctor about your anxiety and see if they can offer you some help. If you don’t want to take prescriptions, remember you don’t have to, but in many cases they have been shown to help.

lymphedema medical id bracelet

10. Visit Nature – If you have any question about why people love nature so much, read some Ralph Waldo Emerson poetry and that should help to clear things up. Nature seems to have this gentle way of making everything okay. If you’re able to, when you feel yourself beginning to get run over with anxious thoughts, take yourself to a park and go for a nice long walk. Focus your attention on the tall trees, the beautiful flower blossoms, the animals, and the rich landscape surrounding you. Listen to the birds, smell the fresh air and breathe deeply and slowly. Anxiety has a way of disappearing when you’re in nature.

11. Dress For the Occasion – One thing is for certain, if you dress uncomfortably, you’ll inevitably feel uncomfortable. There’s really no way around it. If you have a formal event, wear simple attire that you feel okay in. Go for feeling good rather than looking like the most attractive person in the room. If your clothes are too baggy, or too tight, you’re going to end up fidgeting with them and that will cause your anxiety to increase. Think solid colors, think comfortable fit and nothing too outlandish.

12. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet – Possibly the most important tip on this list is for you to give your body what it needs – food. Actual nutrition. A lot of people simply don’t eat enough, while others over-indulge in empty calories. If you don’t know how to eat a balanced diet, then ask a dietitian, doctor, or do some research online. Make sure you’re getting enough calories. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies. If you’re not eating enough, you’re causing extra stress on your body and mind, which will lead to more anxiety.

delicious colorful fruit plate

13. Say No To Drugs! – Quit smoking. If you can, you really should give up drinking alcohol or cut down to only one-two glasses on the weekends. Don’t participate in drugs that are bad for your health – for example cocaine, meth, or crack. If you’re doing drugs, anxiety will always be knocking on your door. Anything that is going to cause stress on your body, is going to enhance your anxiety levels, so just cut them out. You’ll be much happier in the long run than for the short term high you feel from drugs.

Anxiety is a beast and it’s an incredibly challenging one to tame. For the sake of your happiness and the wellness of your family and loved ones, give these 13 tips a try. You won’t regret it!