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Womens Health & Safety Tips For Body and Mind Wellness!

Womens Health & Safety Tips For Body and Mind Wellness!

18th Apr 2022

womens health safety tips body mind wellness

Life is beautiful. It’s full of ups downs and roundabouts that sometimes cause us frustration, but for the most part, life is remarkable as long as you allow yourself to see it that way. Perception is the key to happiness, but a big part of what plays into how a woman perceives is determined by a women’s health. The carefully orchestrated list below is filled with suggestions and helpful tips for increasing a women’s health and safety enabling her to have a better or consistent body and mind wellness for many years to come.

To begin – You are what you eat. This doesn’t simply pertain to food. This pertains to all forms of consumption. If you smoke, you’re going to run into difficulty with breathing, with dehydration, then appetite suppression which can lead to malnutrition, the list goes on and on. Additionally, many new studies are now indicating that it’s not healthy for women to consume alcohol. It causes detrimental damage to a woman’s mind and body. When thinking of how you’re going to adjust your eating habits to be healthier – you need to take into consideration everything that you consume. This includes smoking, alcohol, medicines, vitamins, supplements, vaping, coffee, any drugs whether they’re legal or not. Then, add water and food. Carefully consider the effects that all of these items have on you daily. What happens when you start mixing them together? Do you feel sick much of the time? What about being low on energy? Do you feel weak? Many women complain of feeling unwell, depressed, anxious, achy, etc, and the vast majority of those symptoms are directly related to items they consume regularly. Choose wisely, if you wish to feel well – then eat well.

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Exercise the Stress Away – It’s been proven that stress is a killer. Stress is a challenging element in our daily lives that are challenging to avoid. The best thing to do is to try to manage it better. One of the best methods for stress management is exercise. You don’t have to run ten miles a day. But, you should aim for about 30 minutes of light cardio a few times each week. Ideally, for women, some light strength training with weights, a bit of yoga and light cardio makes a healthy recipe for stress-relief. It helps to strengthen your body and also enables you to focus on your breathing all while releasing endorphins which create a happy feeling within. The happier we feel, the less stress we usually experience. Exercise, breathe, repeat.

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Visit Your Doctor – You should always be sure to see your doctor regularly. Women especially need to have mammograms and pap smears annually to check for cancer and any other potential diseases and medical conditions. Doctors can spot a condition and may be able to assist you with preventative care.

Invest in Safety – If you have a health condition, it’s important that you invest in the necessary medications, foods, and wellness plans to ensure your safety. Additionally, you should look into purchasing a medical ID bracelet or medical necklace in case an emergency situation happens. You never know, you could be enjoying dinner with a friend and have an allergic reaction to the food which causes you to have trouble breathing or makes you lose consciousness fast (even though you specifically asked for your meal without nuts). If you have a medical alert bracelet with allergic care instructions indicating that you have an Epi-pen, then your friend or a first responder can assist you more quickly with it. You should also make sure that you have all the necessary medications with you and a list of instructions kept in your wallet should a problem occur.

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If you like to go for runs in your neighborhood at night, it’s a smart idea to invest in reflective clothing so you’ll not be struck by a car; investing in a taser is also a good idea to keep you safe from assault.

Learn – Last, but most importantly – it’s important to learn about women’s health and safety so you can better understand how your body works and what to do to help it. There are many books available on the subject which can be found at your local library or at a bookstore. Additionally, medical professionals have created videos speaking on the topic which can be found on Youtube if you’re better at learning from visual and audio queues rather than reading.

A women’s health is one of the most important subjects she can focus on. Learn, exercise, eat well, and take your safety seriously!