
StickyJ Medical ID Jewelry is a provider of Utah Life With Dignity (DNR) bracelets. Your order must be accompanied by a valid POLST form (Life with Dignity form) from Utah, signed by both the patient's physician and the patient (or legal surrogate). Only POLST forms which specify 'Do not attempt or continue any resuscitation (DNR)' in box A may receive a bracelet that says DO NOT RESUSCITATE.
- In the back engraving section, please be sure the patient’s first and last name is entered on the first line.
- You can either scan and upload the POLST form at the time you place your order, email it to us to CustomerService@stickyj.com, or fax it to 727-499-0989.
- If you would prefer to order by mail, you can download and print our Utah Life with Dignity bracelet order form by clicking on Utah Life with Dignity Bracelet Mail Order Form.