Should I wear a Custom Engraved Medical Bracelet for Von Willebrand disease?
Posted by By Lori Torman on 19th Jun 2024
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Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is an inherited bleeding disorder that slows the blood clotting process causing prolonged bleeding after injury. People with this disease have low levels of a protein that helps the blood to clot called the von Willebrand factor.
Symptoms can include easy bruising, frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, heavy menstrual periods, and excessive bleeding after injury, surgery or dental work.
Even though there is no cure, treatment can help prevent or stop bleeding episodes. Always speak to a medical professional that can diagnose and treat VWD.
Once a diagnosis has been confirmed, it is very important to wear a medical id bracelet that will inform medical personnel of the condition in the event of a medical emergency. VWD is rare, and some may not be familiar with it. Wearing a custom engraved medical ID will prevent misdiagnosis and will ensure the patient receives the proper treatment.
The most common information engraved on medical id’s for VWD is:
- Name of person wearing the ID
- Medical condition
- Type 1, 2 or 3 (which indicates the severity of the disease)
- Medications you're taking
- Allergies
- Emergency contact information
StickyJ Medical ID carries a wide variety of styles for every age. Most of our medical id’s offer front and back engraving on the tag, ensuring medical personnel have the information needed to respond appropriately in the event of a medical emergency.